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Elemental analyzers



Energy is the power of our economy. Especially, in our times, the rising demand for energy and the limited availability of fossil resources go along with the importance for producers to ensure the quality of the final product. In this context, elemental analyzers and solvent extractors play a key role.
Elemental analysis is a critical aspect of energy production as it provides essential information on the composition of oil and gas products. This information is important in making decisions regarding the refining and processing of petroleum products into various chemicals and fuels.

Guaranteeing the quality and composition of products is possible thanks to Elemental Analyzers. The process involves determining the concentrations of various elements in a sample, such as hydrocarbons, metals, and impurities. The information obtained from elemental analysis helps to optimize production processes, ensure product specifications are met and improve the overall efficiency of the industry. In refineries, the determination of fuel's quality gives as a result its market price while knowing the exact element concentrations helps to optimize processes and to save costly resources.

Ultimately, the analysis of fuels for their element concentrations is important for the determination of environmental compatibility and purity of fossil fuels.

EMA 502 for the elemental analysis in petrochemical industry

EMA 502 for the elemental analysis in petrochemical industry
The VELP EMA 502 is capable of analyzing a wide range of elements, including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen, making it ideal for a variety of applications in the petrochemical industry. Some common applications include the analysis of crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and other fuels, as well as the analysis of additives and impurities in these products.

One of the key benefits of the VELP EMA 502 is its ability to deliver accurate and reliable results. It is a safe analyzer that does not require aggressive chemicals or time-consuming analysis steps. Additionally, the VELP EMA 502 is easy to use and maintain, making it a convenient choice for petrochemical laboratories. With its combination of advanced technologies and ease of use, it offers valuable insights into the composition of energy products and helps to ensure their quality and consistency.

Common applications

Here is a list of common applications in which the EMA 502 can be applied in the petrochemical industry:
  • Elemental analysis on fuels according to the ASTM D5291 (standard test methods for instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and Lubricant)
  • Standard Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in laboratory samples of coal and coke (ASTM D5373)
  • Sulfur content determination in solid mineral fuels (DIN 51724-3 S in solid fuels)
  • Total Oxygen in gasoline and methanol fuels (ASTM D5622 direct determination of Oxygen, ASTM D3176 indirectly from CHNS quantity)

SER 158 and Hot Solvent Extraction

SER 158 and Hot Solvent Extraction
Even solvent extraction is an important step in the petrochemical industry, as it is used to determine the lipid content in a sample.

During the explorative process in search of petroleum sources special importance assumes the qualitative analysis of petroleum source rocks. In order to evaluate the petroleum potential of a particular drilling site, is carried out an analysis of hydrocarbon compounds contained in soil, clay or in crushed rock samples, coming from petroleum sources. Usually, these tests are also performed on sea bed samples in monitoring marine pollution at various distances from the borehole.

In this case, the VELP SER 158 fully automatic and cloud-enabled soxhlet extractors, available in 3 and 6 positions guarantee security, accuracy and precision in the determination of the extractable matter.
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