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OXITEST Oxidation Stability Reactor provides fast and reliable results in oxidation stability analysis of different food formulas and identifies potential alternatives to sunflower oil for the food and feed industry.
Learn about the green coffee parchment antioxidant capacity and how its use improves the oxidative stability of gluten-free baked goods. Download the study published by the University of Parma.
We are excited to announce the new VELP Scientifica Official account on WeChat, the leading Chinese digital ecosystem that connects a billion people with calls, chats, and much more.
Total fat determination in whole milk is essential for the dairy industry. The VELP SER 158 Automatic Solvent Extractor solution provides reliable and reproducible results, minimizing costs and making analysis up to 5 times faster than the Soxhlet method.
VELP continues to grow and invest, confirming the constant evolution of the company. The new U.S. location is designed to provide even better support to our customers.
Discover the importance of coal quality evaluation. Experience the new EMA 502 Elemental Analyzer CHNS-O working principle and how it enables carbon and sulfur determination in coal samples.
Find out more about the analysis and comparison of lipids oxidation stability of 13 different peanut cultivars, conducted using the OXITEST method. Download the study by Sichuan University in China.
Discover the VELP Mineralization Rod, the new accessory that optimizes Kjeldahl analysis for Nitrogen determination in liquid samples with low nitrogen content requiring the digestion step.
The ranking by PWC has confirmed VELP Scientifica once again among the TOP 500 companies in the Monza and Brianza area, one of the most industrialized in Italy. Constant investments in innovation and local focus are hallmarks that made the difference even in 2020.
Learn about antioxidants and oxidation stability tests on various oils with the OXITEST method. Download the dedicated application note for the complete analytical procedure and the results on sunflower, soybean, and salmon oils.
Learn about polymers and CHNS-O elemental analysis for material characterization. Discover the EMA 502 Elemental Analyzer and the analytical procedure with the dedicated application note displaying key results on Viton samples.
Discover the new VELP Multi-position Vortex Mixer designed for excellent mixing performance and versatility with superior ease-of-use.
Learn about overhead stirring and operation in contamination-sensitive environments and cleanrooms. Discover how the VELP OHS Advance series improves your workflow elevating laboratories to the cloud.
Learn about 21 CFR Part 11 and its application in analytical laboratories. Find out how VELP can help you achieve compliance with FDA regulations.
Discover the new VELP Micro Elemental Analyzer, designed and engineered for premium reliability and precision with the ultimate ease-of-use. CHNS-O determination gets to a new level.
Learn more about alcoholic strength determination and how to perform the analysis by automated steam distillation. Discover VELP expertise and the complete range of solutions for your alcohol testing.