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New Kjeldahl Analyzer UDK 169 with AutoKjel Autosampler


VELP Scientifica is glad to introduce the fully automatic UDK 169 Kjeldahl Analyzer, the new top of the line distillation and titration system aimed to provide the maximum productivity and flexibility, as it can be used for different applications such as determining ammoniacal nitrogen, protein determination, nitrogen content (Kjeldahl or direct alkaline distillation), nitric nitrogen (after reduction/Devarda), phenols, volatile acids, cyanides and alcohol content.

The UDK 169 can be used stand-alone, or combined with AutoKjel autosampler, for continuous operation of up to 24 samples and maximum sample throughput.

In this way, the UDK 169 offers since the beginning all the benefits of the most advanced Kjeldahl analyzer available on the market, thanks to the exclusive titanium condenser, the patented steam generator and the integrated colorimetric titrator (AOAC recommended), whilst later, the user can connect it to the AutoKjel autosampler for maximum productivity in an all-in-one system.

The UDK 169 & AutoKjel is the perfect solution for:

- Maximum productivity
- Utmost versatility
- Complete traceability
- Reduced running and maintenance costs

Also UDK 169 is equipped with TEMS™ technology for conspicuous savings in terms of Time, Energy, Money and Space.


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