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D20-S20C-P-R20S Инструмент для дипсерфинга

Dispersing tool suitable for the majority of laboratory applications.
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Samples and applications

  • Food homogenization and preparation of spreadable creams and stuffing for foods (e.g. meat, vegetables)
  • Preparation of cosmetics (lip balms, creams, lipsticks, ...)
  • Preparation of tablet coatings and homogenisation/crushing of tablets
  • Preparation of samples for DNA analysis, organic tissue samples and dispersions of organic tissues
  • Homogenisation of tobacco leaves
  • Preparation of pigments, inks, paints and ceramic paste
  • Processing of textile fibres
  • Dispersion of petroleum derivatives (e.g. asphalt)

Key features

  • Volume range (H2O): 50 - 2,000 ml
  • Stator diameter: 20 mm
  • Rotor diameter: 15 mm
  • Stator/rotor gap: 0.5 mm
  • Immersion depth: 40-175 mm
  • Max. allowable working temperature: 180 °C
  • Materials in contact with medium: PTFE, AISI 316L
  • Suitable for solvents
  • Sterilization and cleaning methods: it is possible to sterilize all the components of the dispersing tool in different ways according to the construction materials and the sample processed
For further information and details, see the section 'TECHNICAL DATA'.


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Rotor diameter 15 mm
Stator diameter 20 mm
Stator/rotor gap 0.5 mm
Volume (H2O) 50 - 2,000 ml
Immersion depth 40-175 mm
Max. speed 25,000 rpm
Max. circumferential speed 19.6 m/s
Ultimate fineness, emulsions 1-10 µm
Ultimate fineness, suspensions 10-50 µm
Max. allowable working temperature 180 °C
Materials in contact with the medium AISI 316L, PTFE
Suitable for solvents Yes


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