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Ready to use packages for stirring and thermoregulating the sample


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VELP Scientifica gives the possibility to offer ready to use packages for stirring and accurately thermoregulating the sample.
With only one part number, you buy a complete package that includes the heating magnetic stirrer, AREX (aluminum top with protective ceramic coating) or AREC.X (ceramic top), plus a solution for thermoregulation, that can be an external Pt100 probe (excellent performance and temperature accuracy, ± 1.0 °C) or the exclusive VTF digital thermoregulator (Fuzzy Logic, unique clamping system, on-board timer and premium temperature accuracy, ± 0.5 °C).

AREX with VTF Package

This package includes AREX, support rod and VTF.


AREC.X with Pt100 Probe Package

This package includes AREC.X, support rod, Pt100 probe and clamp for the probe.


AREC.X with VTF Package

This package includes AREC.X, support rod and VTF.



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