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VELP Scientifica is committed to quality and the Business Operating Systems in place ensure compliance to the high quality standards aimed at. The VELP Management team is fully aware of its social responsabilities and of the impact of its activities on the territory, on the community and on the system within which it operates.

Policy for quality, environment, security and data protection

Policy for quality, environment, security and data protection
VELP Scientifica has adopted an integrated QHSE - Quality, Health, Safety and Environment - management system that applies the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.

The purpose of this system is to promote, guarantee and continuously improve product and service quality in accordance with those standards, with the aim of maintaining a primary reputation in terms of quality and ensuring:
  • maximum customer satisfaction,
  • prevention of environmental pollution,
  • constant safeguarding of workers' health and safety,
  • risk prevention,
  • data protection.

The principles that guide VELP policy:
  • Customer Orientation: development of innovative "Customer Oriented" solutions through the design of new products and the renewal of existing ones
  • Leadership: management's commitment to the continuous search for "new ways" and the development of knowledge
  • Personnel Involvement: constant enhancement of intellectual capital and know-how, through training and collective participation moments
  • Healthy and Safe Working Conditions: utmost attention to the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses 
  • Process Approach and Systematic Management Approach: integrated management system with solid foundations through the ERP and structured sharing of organizational knowledge 
  • Continuous Improvement, pollution prevention, risk reduction and elimination of health and safety hazards, data protection and privacy, constant investment in research and development, collaboration with stakeholders inside and outside the organization, and maintenance of the Integrated Management System
  • Risk-based thinking (risk/opportunity) and evidence-based decisions
  • Mutually beneficial relationships with historical and reliable suppliers that constitute and contribute to the development of ever new projects
In accordance with these principles, VELP makes concrete efforts to be:
  • comply with current laws, EU directives with reference to safety and environmental impact and the contractual regulations of EEC and foreign markets (see packaging labeling regulations)
  • achieve the established quality levels
  • preserve the safety of the product and workers
  • prevent defects
  • make responsible the people who manage, design, execute and verify activities that affect product quality
  • implement continuous improvements in terms of quality, pollution prevention, safeguarding workers' health and safety, risk prevention, data protection and privacy
  • organize training for all functions and at all levels
  • issue organization charts highlighting the functional relationships of the corporate organization
  • maintain and update procedures related to data security and privacy
  • draft and continuously update risk/opportunity assessment documents
  • perform monitoring and measurements to verify the adequacy and effectiveness of the Management System
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