The SER 158 Series are the most advanced hot solvent extractors in the market providing state-of-the-art technology, maximum safety and unique cloud based features.
VELP is continuously improving the performance of the instruments and is happy to introduce a new set of accessories with the aim to enhance the usability of SER 158 Series solvent extractors.
The VELP glass cups (Small, STD and Large) are now provided with an embedded barcode that can be scanned in order to transfer the data automatically to the ControlPad of the SER 158 by either USB or wireless connection.
Discover the benefits of using bar code technology:
- Reduce Risk of errors
- Time Saving
- Improved automation
VELP Barcode Scanners:
Barcode scanner with USB socket
Wireless barcode scanner
Contact us for further informations; we look forward to hering from you.