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VELP Dumas Analyzers

The Dumas Method multiple savings and benefits

The Dumas Method multiple savings and benefits
The Dumas Nitrogen Analyzer offers the advantages of being easy to use, safe and automated. It is also considerably faster than the Kjeldahl method, taking a few minutes per analysis, as compared to the hour or more for Kjeldahl. It also does not make use of toxic chemicals or eco-unfriendly catalysts.

The Dumas nitrogen determination is much easier to automate than Kjeldahl and the VELP Scientifica NDA Series capitalizes on this. In fact, only the sample preparation requires care and attention from the lab operators and VELP has even simplified this with the sample preparation device that enables liquid, paste and solid samples to be prepared using exactly the same method. The weight of samples is automatically communicated from the balance, making operation easy and ensuring the accuracy of data. Samples are placed in the autosampler (up to 4 discs, 30 positions each) that automatically feeds them to the analyzer. The operator is now free and can leave the unit until all analyses have terminated.
The whole analysis of a sample lasts 3-4 minutes!
VELP Dumas Analyzers
The combustion chamber incorporates both very high temperature and very low temperature catalysts to ensure that all components of the sample are fully combusted. The choice of the special Vcopper™ reduced copper in the reduction chamber provides the maximum possible efficiency for this stage and unmatched resistance as the number of analysis that can be done with it is dramatically increased.

In addition, the VELP NDA Series provides the highest precision on the market with the lowest detection limit (0.001 mgN). It is the best that you can get, being ideal for those difficult samples with a very low amount of nitrogen, especially in the environmental sector.

The NDA Series is completely controlled and managed by the PC, using the powerful DUMASoftTM.
VELP Dumas Analyzers
Create a calibration curve suitable for your analysis
Automatically, the DUMASoft™ will set the best analytical conditions according to the sample type. The dosing of gases is optimized by the DUMASoft™, in order to achieve complete combustion of the sample with minimum consumption.
Create calibration curves quickly, performing a few analyses on different standard quantities (e.g. on EDTA, 9.57% N).
Save and recall at every time the best suitable calibration curve according to the nitrogen/protein content of the sample, especially before starting the analysis.
No need to create a calibration curve every day!

Monitor constantly your instrument activities
On the right side of the main window, the operators can continuously check the instrument status, monitoring the flow rate and the reactor conditions and temperatures.
The real-time graph shows the progress of the analysis, creating the peak as soon as the nitrogen starts reaching the innovative TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector.
On the bottom the user can also read suggestions about maintenance, monitoring the number of analyses that can be performed before the next replacement.

Customize the test report according to your needs!
Once the analysis is completed, the user can create test reports for a single test or multiple analyses for a better interpretation of the data.
The user can also export data in .xls, .txt or .csv format to PC or LIMS and easily print the results.
Results can be recalculated using different calibration curves, without performing a new test, but only selecting the new curve!
Siglacom - Internet Partner