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Анализатор окислительной стабильности

The oxidative stability tests performed with the OXITEST reactor accelerate the lipid oxidation process that in normal conditions can last weeks or months and provide fast, accurate and reliable results for Food & Feed, Cosmetic, Pharma and Petrochemical industries. 

The OXITEST provides added value information for Quality Control and Research & Development Labs for: 

  • Quality control of raw materials and ingredients 
  • Transportation and effects on goods
  • Storage period studies
  • Product Development and behaviour
  • Formula Optimization 
  • Ingredient and alternative ingredients testing
  • Process optimization
  • Packaging study and alternative packaging comparison 

The VELP OXITEST Oxidation Stability Reactor enables companies to achieve accurate and reliable results, according to AOCS Cd-12c-16.

The VELP Oxitest performs analysis without requiring a preliminary fat extraction and this guarantees representative results. In fact, the components of a complex matrix not extracted with an organic solvent, are often important in determining the oxidative stability of the fat component. Then they must be considered by letting them act in their matrix.

By submitting the sample to an established over-pressure of pure oxygen (6 bar, degree 5.0) and high constant temperature (90 °C), the instrument measures the absolute pressure change inside two independent chambers, monitoring the oxygen uptake by reactive components present in samples, and gives as result the Induction Period (IP).

The IP is the time required to reach the starting point of oxidation, corresponding to either a level of detectable rancidity or a sudden change in the rate of oxidation. The longer the Induction Period, the higher the stability against oxidation over time.
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Продукция: Анализатор окислительной стабильности

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