Dispersers and stirrers are some of the most widely used laboratory bench-top equipment. While they look similar, they are different and there are some considerations to take into account when choosing between one and the other. Learn how to choose according to your application and sample type.
准备好探索一种全新、强大而简单的实验室分散方法了吗?从食品和饲料到化妆品,从制药到生物技术,再到化学工业:是时候体验 OV 625 数字式分散机的出色均质、乳化、悬浮和混合性能了。
您是否愿意亲身体验新型 OV 625 数字分散机的强大功能?与我们的专家一起在 VELP 实验室进行现场演示,探索其在各个领域的应用。